If the default ingress controller (Traefik) not ok for you ?
Here are some simple instructions on how to replace it with Nginx
Uninstall traefik from an existing K3S instance sudo rm -rf /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/manifests/traefik.yaml helm uninstall traefik traefik-crd -n kube-system sudo systemctl restart k3s Or the proper way to do so on installing k3s:
curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | sh -s - --cluster-init --disable-traefik Install Nginx Ingress Controller helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx \ --repo https://kubernetes....
Do you want a simple single server kubernetes that is easy to install?
Here is the guide for you.
Installing kubernetes First, we install k3s kuberntes using the next command:
curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | sh -s - --cluster-init --node-external-ip <external-ip> Note: Replace external-ip with your server external IP.
This is needed in order to get the traefik ingress controller working.
Next we should copy the k3s kubernetes configuration file /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml to the default location ~/....
Let’s install SQL Server in a free Kubernetes cluster on IBM Cloud.
Kubernetes installation Installing Kubernetes on IBM Cloud is free. Simply search for Kubernetes, select the Kubernetes service or use this link), and create a free cluster in the desired resource group.
After 5-10 minutes, the cluster should be created.
To test the connection to the cluster, select the Kubernetes cluster and then click Actions > Connect via CLI. The command we are looking for is the second one....
Deploying a Java SpringBoot application to Docker and Kubernetes involves building a container image that bundles the application with its dependencies and environment. There are two methods of building a container image: Spring Cloud Native Buildpacks and Dockerfile.
Dockerfile Dockerfile is the oldest and most common way to build container images. It is a text file that contains a series of instructions to compile the source code and assemble the layers of a container image....