Ubuntu Desktop with XRDP: A Quick Guide

Introduction Have you ever wanted to install Ubuntu Desktop and configure it with XRDP? Here’s a short guide to get you through it. Step 1: Installing Ubuntu Desktop Let’s start by installing Ubuntu Desktop. Just run this command: sudo apt -y install ubuntu-desktop Grab a coffee while your terminal goes wild with text. It takes some time for the packages to install. Step 2: Installing XRDP Next, install XRDP to allow remote access:...

June 15, 2024 · 1 min · Alex Popescu

Azure AD Authentication for C# WebAPI with Swagger

Introduction Have you ever wanted to add Azure AD authentication to a C# WebApi project for .NET 8? Now you can. The Code First, let’s create a new WebAPI project: dotnet new webapi --use-controllers Next, add the required package: dotnet add package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer Next, we need to add the Azure AD settings in appsettings.json: "AzureAd": { "Instance": "https://login.microsoftonline.com/", "TenantId": "yyyy", "ClientId": "xxxxx" } Replace yyyy with the correct TenantId and xxxxx with the correct Azure SPN Client Id....

April 23, 2024 · 2 min · Alex Popescu

Automated Fake Database Population with Python

Introduction In this article, we’ll explore a Python script that leverages mimesis library to populate an (Azure) SQL database with fake data. The Code import logging import random import pandas as pd import pymssql import sqlalchemy from dotenv import dotenv_values from mimesis import Address, Datetime, Person from mimesis.enums import Gender from sqlalchemy import create_engine # Load environment variables config = dotenv_values(".env") # Configure logging to both console and file logFormatter = logging....

March 17, 2024 · 3 min · Alex Popescu

Install NewRelic on JBoss EAP 7

Introduction This tutorial provides a step-by-step guide on installing NewRelic APM on Jboss EAP 7 in standalone mode Download NewRelic Download the current new relic APM from the website, or using the next powershell command: Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://download.newrelic.com/newrelic/java-agent/newrelic-agent/current/newrelic-java.zip -OutFile newrelic-java.zip Configuring Jboss Create a folder named lib in JBOSS_HOME folder, and a new folder named endorsed in the lib folder. In case you are wondering, the JBOSS_HOME is the folder that has Jboss installed, and the folder with the bin/docs/etc folders....

February 22, 2024 · 2 min · Alex Popescu

Securing Quarkus Backend App with IBM App ID

Introduction This tutorial provides a step-by-step guide on securing a Quarkus backend application using IBM App ID. Configure IBM App ID Login to IBM Cloud and create an App ID instance using the lite (free) plan. Then create an application as a regular web app. Next, create a test user using Cloud Directory -> Users menu. Configure Quarkus First, update Maven pom.xml : <dependency> <groupId>io.quarkus</groupId> <artifactId>quarkus-oidc</artifactId> </dependency> Next, find the client ID/secret/login URL in IBM App id application details:...

December 30, 2023 · 3 min · Alex Popescu