Have you ever wanted to run Couchbase on Docker to freely build and test your app?
Here’s a simple guide to help you set up Couchbase in Docker and build a sample TODO app using Python and FastAPI.
Developer Cluster Setup
First, let’s create a minimal docker-compose.yml
file to spin up Couchbase:
image: couchbase:latest
container_name: couchbase
- "8091:8091" # Couchbase Web Console
- "8092:8092" # Query Service
- "8093:8093" # Full Text Search
- "11210:11210" # Data Service
- couchbase_data:/opt/couchbase/var
- ./init_bucket.sh:/init_bucket.sh
- ./start-couchbase.sh:/start-couchbase.sh
# get the image entry point using docker inspect -f '{{.Config.Entrypoint}}' couchbase
# for the current image is /entrypoint.sh
command: ["/bin/bash", "/start-couchbase.sh"]
mem_limit: 1024m # Limit memory usage to 3100 MB for full
To make it work, we need two shell scripts: start-couchbase.sh
and init_bucket.sh
The first script (start-couchbase.sh
) starts Couchbase in the background and then runs the cluster and pool initialization script (init_bucket.sh
Here is start-couchbase.sh
# Start Couchbase Server in the background
/entrypoint.sh couchbase-server &
sleep 5
# Wait for Couchbase to be available
echo "Waiting for Couchbase to be ready..."
until curl -s http://localhost:8091/pools > /dev/null; do
echo "Waiting for Couchbase server to start..."
sleep 5
# Run the initialization script
echo "Couchbase is up! Running init script..."
# Wait for Couchbase Server to keep the container running
And here is init_bucket.sh
echo "Starting init..."
# Wait until Couchbase server is ready to accept requests
echo "Waiting for Couchbase to be ready..."
until curl -s http://localhost:8091/pools > /dev/null; do
echo "Waiting for Couchbase server to start..."
sleep 5
# Create the cluster
echo "Creating the cluster..."
curl -v -X POST http://localhost:8091/clusterInit \
-d "indexPath=%2Fopt%2Fcouchbase%2Fvar%2Flib%2Fcouchbase%2Fdata" \
-d "eventingPath=%2Fopt%2Fcouchbase%2Fvar%2Flib%2Fcouchbase%2Fdata" \
-d "analyticsPath=%2Fopt%2Fcouchbase%2Fvar%2Flib%2Fcouchbase%2Fdata" \
-d "javaHome=" \
-d "sendStats=false" \
-d "clusterName=DockerCluster" \
-d "services=kv%2Cn1ql%2Cindex" \
-d "memoryQuota=512" \
-d "afamily=ipv4" \
-d "afamilyOnly=false" \
-d "nodeEncryption=off" \
-d "username=admin" \
-d "password=password" \
-d "port=SAME" \
-d "indexMemoryQuota=256"
# For Full Add:
#-d "services=kv%2Cn1ql%2Cindex%2Cfts%2Ceventing%2Ccbas%2Cbackup" \
#-d "eventingMemoryQuota=256" \
#-d "ftsMemoryQuota=256"
echo "Creating the pool..."
curl -X POST http://localhost:8091/pools/default \
-u admin:password \
-d memoryQuota=512 \
-d indexMemoryQuota=256
# FOR Full add:
#-d eventingMemoryQuota=256 \
#-d ftsMemoryQuota=256 \
echo "done"
# Create the bucket
BUCKET_QUOTA=100 # Size in MB
# Create the bucket using Couchbase REST API
curl -X POST http://localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets \
-u admin:password \
-d name=$BUCKET_NAME \
-d ramQuota=$BUCKET_QUOTA \
-d authType=sasl \
-d bucketType=couchbase
echo "Bucket '$BUCKET_NAME' created successfully."
These settings initialize a developer Couchbase cluster with only the KV (Data Service), N1QL (Query Service), and Index (Index Service) enabled.
Sample python app
Now for the fun part: let’s build a sample TODO app using Python and FastAPI.
Creating a bucket admin user
To create a new user and give a user admin rights on the bucket, add the following to init_bucket.sh
# BUCKET_NAME="myBucket"
# Create the user using Couchbase REST API
curl -v -X PUT http://localhost:8091/settings/rbac/users/local/$USER_NAME \
-u admin:password \
-d password=$USER_PASSWORD \
-d name="Todo User" \
-d roles="bucket_admin[$BUCKET_NAME],bucket_full_access[$BUCKET_NAME]"
echo "User '$USER_NAME' created with bucket_admin and bucket_full_access rights on bucket '$BUCKET_NAME'."
The Python app
First, let’s install the required packages:
pip install fastapi uvicorn couchbase
Next, create the Pydantic model (models.py
) :
from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing import Optional
class TodoItem(BaseModel):
id: Optional[str]
title: str
description: Optional[str]
completed: bool = False
Now, build the FastAPI app (app.py
import uuid
from couchbase.auth import PasswordAuthenticator
from couchbase.cluster import Cluster
from couchbase.options import ClusterOptions
from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException
from .models import TodoItem
app = FastAPI()
# Couchbase connection setup
cluster = Cluster(
ClusterOptions(PasswordAuthenticator('todoUser', 'todoPassword'))
bucket = cluster.bucket('myBucket')
collection = bucket.default_collection()
# In-memory store for TODOs
todos = {}
# CRUD Operations
@app.post("/todos/", response_model=TodoItem)
def create_todo(todo: TodoItem):
todo_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) # Generate a unique ID
todo.id = todo_id
# Insert the TODO into Couchbase
collection.upsert(todo_id, todo.model_dump())
return todo
@app.get("/todos/", response_model=list[TodoItem])
def get_all_todos():
# Use N1QL query to get all TODOs from Couchbase bucket
query = "SELECT meta().id, title, description, completed FROM myBucket"
rows = cluster.query(query)
todo_list = [TodoItem(**row) for row in rows]
return todo_list
except Exception as e:
print("Error retrieving TODOs: " + str(e))
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail="Error retrieving TODOs: " + str(e))
@app.get("/todos/{todo_id}", response_model=TodoItem)
def read_todo(todo_id: str):
# Get the TODO from Couchbase
result = collection.get(todo_id)
todo = result.content_as[TodoItem]
return todo
except Exception:
raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="TODO not found")
@app.put("/todos/{todo_id}", response_model=TodoItem)
def update_todo(todo_id: str, todo: TodoItem):
# Update the TODO in Couchbase
collection.upsert(todo_id, todo.dict())
return todo
except Exception:
raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="TODO not found")
def delete_todo(todo_id: str):
# Delete the TODO from Couchbase
return {"detail": "TODO deleted"}
except Exception:
raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="TODO not found")
Run it all
Now we can finally run the app.
First, start the Couchbase server with:
docker compose up --build
Then, run the FastAPI app with:
uvicorn app:app --reload
And then open the browser to and try it out.
If everything is set up correctly, you should be able to make API calls via FastAPI:
And see the results in the Couchbase Admin UI:
Documentation and links:
- Couchbase REST API - Initialize Cluster - https://docs.couchbase.com/server/current/rest-api/rest-initialize-cluster.html
- Couchbase REST API - RBAC - https://docs.couchbase.com/server/current/rest-api/rbac.html
- Couchbase Services Overview - https://docs.couchbase.com/server/current/learn/services-and-indexes/services/services.html