Last week I was toying with IBM Cloud tranzient servers, and got to setting a webhook url to be notified if the server needs to be reclaimed.
In case the name doesn’t tells you anything, Transient Virtual Servers is the IBM Cloud equivalent to AWS Spot Instances.
Creating a tranzient servers is easy enough trhough IBM Cloud portal, setting the webhook URL is not. It’s available only through API here
In order to use SoftLayer, we need to generate a key.
But, before that, what are the SoftLayer API ? The SoftLayer API powers many of the features in the IBM Cloud console.
Generate API Key
In order to login to SoftLayer API we need an user and a Key.
For IBM Cloud, the user is LITTERALLY apikey
The API Key can be generated using the this url .
Next, create a file ~/.softlayer
for Linux or ~/AppData/Roaming/softlayer/.softlayer
for Windows with the next content:
# For IBMCloud ApiKeys
username = apikey
api_key = 32CharacterLongKey
endpoint_url =
# Set to a number to stop waiting after that many seconds
timeout = 0
# If you need to proxy requests through something
# proxy = 'http://somehost'
Logging in SoftLayer
Now, it Python land, install SoftLayer
using pip:
pip install SoftLayer
Next, let’s try to login to SoftLayer and get the account information:
import SoftLayer
# This is nice for printing out results from the API as raw JSON
from pprint import pprint as pp
client = SoftLayer.create_client_from_env()
result ='SoftLayer_Account', 'getObject')
If everthing it’s ok, on running the python file, the IBM Cloud account information will be displayed.
Getting VM List and Setting WebHook URL
In order to list the VM’s from IBM Cloud account we use the VSManager.list_instances()
For example:
def listVMs(self, public_ip):
mgr = SoftLayer.VSManager(self.client)
for vsi in mgr.list_instances(public_ip=public_ip):
print(f"Id: {vsi['id']} and fullyQualifiedDomainName: {vsi['fullyQualifiedDomainName']}")
return vsi
In order to set the Webhook URL we’ll use Set Webhook API, something like this:
def setWebHook(self, vm_id, url, secret):
result ='SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest', 'setTransientWebhook', url, secret, id=vm_id)
Documentation and link
- Configuring notifications for reclaims of transient virtual servers-
- SoftLayer API - Set Webhook API -
- SoftLayer Python config -
- SoftLayer Authorization -
- SoftLayer VS Manager List Instances API Documentation -
- SoftLayer Python Transient Guests example -
- stackoverflow:SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest setTransientWebhook -