This is not a guide, but a collection of notes about installing OpenVMS and configure networking.

In order to install OpenVMS wth AXPbox follow the guide of here, until you get to the networking part.

Now for the fun part VirtualBox network configuration:

VirtualBox Network Adapter 1 VirtualBox Network Adapter 2

Also, in es40.cfg you need to configure the network interface:

pci0.4 = dec21143 
  adapter = "enp0s3" 
  mac = "08-00-DE-AD-BE-EF"; 

where enp0s3 is the NAT interface of the VirtualBox.

Network settings for OpenVMS:

IP addres/mask10.0.2.25/24

Note: You can use any IP from the VirtualBox NAT network, besides the, and the NAT interface address and any nameserver.