From Source to Container: Building Efficient Quarkus Docker Images

In this article, we continue the trend from the previous article here and we will explore a few ways of creating a Docker image for a Quarkus app. Minimal install docker file Now with Quarkus, there are two ways of compiling a application: the normal java way and the native way. Quarkus native images and Java application packages have some significant differences. Java application packages contain a compiled bytecode that requires the JVM to run, while Quarkus native images are pre-compiled and optimized for a specific platform (in this example Linux), resulting in a smaller size and faster startup time....

May 5, 2023 · 5 min · Alex Popescu

Simplifying Java Container Images: Dockerfile vs Spring Native Buildpacks

Deploying a Java SpringBoot application to Docker and Kubernetes involves building a container image that bundles the application with its dependencies and environment. There are two methods of building a container image: Spring Cloud Native Buildpacks and Dockerfile. Dockerfile Dockerfile is the oldest and most common way to build container images. It is a text file that contains a series of instructions to compile the source code and assemble the layers of a container image....

April 29, 2023 · 4 min · Alex Popescu

Unleashing the Power of Hugo: Integrating Config Parameters with JavaScript

The Challenge: Using a config.yml Parameter in a JavaScript File Lately, I found myself in a predicament. I wanted to use a config.yml parameter in a JavaScript file, and apparently, it’s not that easy since most .js files are static as far as Hugo is concerned. Why would you like to do that? Well, let’s say you have a separate JavaScript file for Google Analytics that needs to be loaded at page start/end, but you don’t want to hardcode the Google Analytics ID....

April 20, 2023 · 2 min · Alex Popescu

How to find Proclib concatenation in z/OS

The easy way of Proclib concatenation in z/OS is to use the command $dproclib in master console (or in SDSF prefixed with /). The response is something like this for ADCD: RESPONSE=S0W1 $HASP319 PROCLIB(PROC00) $HASP319 PROCLIB(PROC00) STATIC LIBRARY, $HASP319 DD(1)=(DSNAME=USER.Z24C.PROCLIB, $HASP319 VOLSER=C4CFG1,UNIT=SYSALLDA), $HASP319 DD(2)=(DSNAME=FEU.Z24C.PROCLIB, $HASP319 VOLSER=C4CFG1,UNIT=SYSALLDA), $HASP319 DD(3)=(DSNAME=ADCD.Z24C.PROCLIB, $HASP319 VOLSER=C4SYS1,UNIT=SYSALLDA), $HASP319 DD(4)=(DSNAME=SYS1.PROCLIB, $HASP319 VOLSER=C4RES1,UNIT=SYSALLDA) Documentation and links Display a PROCLIB concatenation -

April 19, 2023 · 1 min · Alex Popescu

Simple Rest API with GO and gin

This is the first part of a series of blog posts about embedding ReactJS front-end app with Go REST API back-end. Let’s start first by creating a REST API in GO and Gin - a web framework for APIs written in GO. Requirements To get started, you need to install Go and Gin on your machine. You can follow the official instructions for installing Go here: REST API Implementation First, let’s initialize the application module with:...

April 12, 2023 · 4 min · Alex Popescu